About Intentional OT

My name is Kim Reid and I created Intentional OT to help families who struggle with picky eating.

One evening while we were eating dinner, my husband commented how lucky we are that our girls aren’t picky eaters. I explained how I had been intentional, from the beginning, about which foods I served, how I served them, and when I served them to prevent our girls from becoming picky eaters. He didn’t realize all that went into what I had been doing. And I don’t blame him! Our mealtime habits had become so ingrained in me, that I had almost forgotten that our eating habits weren’t the norm for all new parents. I had intentionally applied my training as an occupational therapist to our family’s mealtime experiences.

From that conversation came Intentional OT and the Courageous Eaters courses.

I have been an occupational therapist nearly a decade. During that time, I’ve worked with a wide range of families who needed help with picky eating. This includes children along a continuum of picky eating; from toddlers who have difficulty transitioning from purees, to the children who only eat white foods, to the children who refuse to eat any vegetables.

I now have two young daughters who have given me a different perspective on picky eating. I know firsthand how exhausting it is to have young children, and how every child is different. I also know that you can help your baby grow into a toddler and young child who enjoys all kinds of foods. It’s not always easy, but it is possible (and worth it!).

If you are interested or want more information, let’s connect.